A group for high-achievers to find freedom from perfectionism and unattainable expectations
For burned out perfectionists in Colorado who are ready to improve your relationships with yourself and others for a more satisfying, authentic life.
SORRY! We are no longer running this group!

if you have been:
Keyed up and anxious about all the unknowns in your world right now
Acting out by overachieving at work while your personal life suffers
Exhausted from trying to do it all with everyone perfectly
Getting into arguments with your partner or friends because everything has to be "just so"
Our Recovering Perfectionists Group is the most effective way to support you to:
Understand your journey of perfectionism while realizing that it is no longer helping you
Discover that you're not alone in your high-achieving thinking patterns
Repair your relationships with others by letting go of your unrealistic expectations
Learn to say "no" and stop over-extending yourself
Rediscover your work-life balance while prioritizing yourself and your needs
We're Shannon Heers and Natalie Thomas, recovering perfectionists and licensed therapists. We help adults just like you overcome the consequences of your perfectionism, change your negative thinking, and embrace life's challenges so you can develop deeper, more authentic connections with yourself and others.
hesitant about groups?
As recovering perfectionists, we understand. Groups can be intimidating for you! Having to show up as your perfect self and meet people you don't know can surely cause you some anxiety! Although, this is exactly what this group is geared towards, managing your anxiety caused by high expectations. Everyone else joining the group is likely to feel the same way you so, which is why we talk openly about our anxiety during the group sessions itself. This promotes connection between the group members and puts your anxiety all out there in the open.
Wanting more information about groups? Well, research tells us that group counseling is as effective as individual counseling for a variety of issues, including anxiety, high-achievement, and perfectionism. Our Recovering Perfectionists Group is for you and others like you who are feeling isolated and lonely, and just want to feel some positive emotions for once. We believe in this group so much that we even wrote an article specifically about the benefits of group counseling, The Surprising Benefits of Group Therapy.
Understandably, you may still have some questions about our Recovering Perfectionists Group, so you can also contact us for a free 20 minute phone consultation. Our most excellent Scheduling Coordinator can answer any questions you have about the group and determine if this group will be the best fit for you, or if individual counseling may also be recommended.
We just love groups here at Catalyss Counseling. We've worked with a LOT of high-achieving adults and perfectionists, and it's so fun getting you all together in one group space! Some benefits of joining our Recovering Perfectionists Group include getting other perspectives on situations, connecting to and trusting other members, and holding yourself accountable for working hard every day to overcome the negative consequences of perfectionism. Yes, group counseling can be hard. But the benefits are worth it, and we know you can do it! Check it out today.
Other therapy services available at Catalyss Counseling:
Group counseling for recovering perfectionists experiencing distress is a great way to get your anxiety treatment needs met. And we know the Recovering Perfectionists Group is a great way to connect with others experiencing these same issues. But we know that group counseling may not be the only treatment you want, and we want to meet all your counseling needs throughout Colorado. So our caring therapists also provide individual anxiety treatment, depression counseling, grief and loss therapy, caregiver stress, online therapy, and more. Our therapists also specialize in trauma and PTSD, EMDR for Trauma, pregnancy, postpartum depression and anxiety, birth trauma, and pregnancy loss. For therapists, we also provide clinical supervision! We are looking forward to connecting with you to start your journey towards healing today.